I don't understand how the court came to the decision that a private homeowners association cannot bar access to non-residents. Will the courts now force the gated communities to allow the KKK to hold a parade through the streets? Or allow sightseers to cruise around gawking at the fancy houses?
finally awake
JoinedPosts by finally awake
by Calebs Airplane inthis case is in it's 9th year an has been touched upon briefly on and off.. the latest from the federal court is that all gated communites in puerto rico have until april 23 to provide the watchtower corporation full access.... this means the entry code or remote control devices that open the front fence.. this is clearly an act of provocation in order to create "pseudo-persecution" thereby increasing fs hours and "voluntary donations"....
Mathematical equation for working out witness divorce rate using the national average.
by joe134cd inhi folks.
i have noticed that there is a lot of speculation on how well witness perform in marriage.
there is a simple equation that can be used as a guide to work this out.
finally awake
A single congregation isn't a large enough sample size. The congregation I attended had no divorces at all since 1999, and probably not even before that.
by Gojira_101 inwell a picture says a thousand words!
i had a tattoo done today.. it was actually interesting because as i was chit chatting with the tattoo artist, she asked me if this tattoo symbolized anything....well actually it does i told her.. me: i was a jw and they are strongly against tattoos or anything that is really "normal" for people.. tattoo artist: i know all about jw, my ex-girlfriend's family was all jw, and i remember one time going over to her parents house and her grandma sat us both down and made us read some scriptures from her bible as to why we were going to hell.. me: actually you will due at armageddon, that is the jw thing.. tatt artist: oh right that is what her grandma said.
i forgot about that, you're right.. so then the rest of the conversation was just me telling her it's a cult and i told her never listen to any jw who comes knocking.. something else interesting that happened just before i came on here.
finally awake
that's a pretty tattoo! I'm not likely to ever get one myself, due to being afraid of the pain involved, cause I'm a big chicken.
Got an interview
by LouBelle inas some of you know, i had no job last year, then finally got something in an industry that i know nothing about.
the environment and people haven't been the best, but i had to stick it out and hope that things would improve.
i have kept my eye and ears open for opportunities more in my field of expertise - which is print advertising.. i sent through my cv for a job i saw advertised in the newspaper for an advertising sales rep - applied and now i have an interview to go too tomorrow.. i've learnt not to get my hopes up - i am glad for the interview and i hope it goes well..
finally awake
I'm glad it went well - you'll blow them away on the second interview!
U.S. Chronic Pain Patients -- No More Pain Meds
by Lady Lee inthe american pain foundation has closed its doors due to lack of funding and a growing hostile environment towards those who suffer with chronic pain.. with deep regret and heavy hearts, we sadly inform you that due to irreparable economic circumstances, apf must cease to exist, effective immediately.
on may 3, 2012, the board of directors formally voted to dissolve the organization.. the board and staff have worked tirelessly over many months to address a significant gap between available financial resources and funds needed to remain operational.
unfortunately, the economic situation has not changed in any meaningful way, despite our best efforts.. apf hopes to be able to transfer content from various information, education, and support programs to other organizations so that you may continue to benefit from the value these programs have provided to thousands of individuals and families across the country.. your personal experiences in living with pain and seeking compassion, empathy and medical care often against the odds -- have driven our efforts over these many years.
finally awake
I have never had chronic pain, but the two occasions when I have had serious pain were truly miserable. Once I was able to get relief from chiropractic treatments - that was post epidural/childbirth pain. The other was a dry socket after having 4 wisdom teeth cut out - the only relief for that pain was Lortab. I was very grateful to have access to a drug that worked. I can only imagine the hell a person with chronic uncontrolled pain endures.
Alive And Kicking
by jbeau504 ini don't know how i made it back to my computer in one piece but here goes.
yes i know that some people probably won't remember or recognize me.
i made only a scarce amount of threads after joining up.
finally awake
stick around - it sounds like you really need the support. I hope things improve for you soon :)
You Might Be a Jehovahs Witness if
by StinkyPantz2.0 in.
if a pioneer is not a stereo.. if new light never requires batteries.. if a tract has nothing to do with land.. if the new system isnt a car stereo.. if a great crowd isnt an easy to please audience.. if the friends are people you may or may not know.. if you can have a bible study without pulling out a bible.. if memorial day isnt in may.. if starting your time has nothing to do with getting paid or going to prison.. if you spent five days at a baseball stadium, and never saw a single pitch.. for more click here..
Your worst convention experience.
by zeb inby a split second rescuing our handicapped son from being pushed down the stairs by a flood of sisters rushing out to see as the drama had started.. the main offender being a special pioneer..
finally awake
@Finally Awake You should really look at who's account you are on before you post.
I was pregnant when we attended the 2 day assembly in the spring of 2007. I was fat - close to 300 pounds - and very pregnant. The seats in the auditorium were in super long rows, and of course the end seats were already taken before the doors opened in the morning. I absolutely couldn't squeeze past people to get out to use the bathroom.
I have never been pregnat just Ron
Special Assembly Day??
by DATA-DOG inhas anyone attended yet?
i am going to take careful notes.
i think i can make it through.
finally awake
it appears that the local dubs are having their 2 day assembly this weekend. We were at the grocery store last night about 7:30pm and saw the big cheese local elder and his wife. They were in meeting clothes and were only buying a box of ice cream. I am very glad that I didn't waste a beautiful Saturday sitting in a deadly dull meeting LOL
Are born-ins or are converts most likely to leave?
by Julia Orwell inmaybe born-ins are, because we converts made the choice whereas the born-ins did not.
or are the converts more likely to because of thought patterns developed outside the cult?
i'd like to know what you think..
finally awake
I was an adult convert. I think that leaving the borg is easier for people who don't have family in and who don't have close friendships with anyone in. When I felt like our family's entire social life depended on being in the borg, I couldn't imagine leaving. I really felt like I'd never make friends and my kids would really suffer outside the borg. I felt that I would be ripping them away from all their friends. Over time though, the people at the hall pulled away from us. I think it was mainly because our family never did conform to the borg prescribed gender roles and I stopped going in service. The older kids never became publishers either. SO ultimately, we all felt pretty isolated at the hall and leaving wasn't really all that hard on any of us. The biggest issue for born-ins (I think) is the likelihood that a large part of their family is in, and that's hard to deal with. Just Ron and I both wanted out long before either of us was brave enough to admit it to each other. We were both afraid it would ruin our relationship.